Home > Acid dye > ACID YELLOW 25


Additional Product Details

Product Name: Acid Yellow 25
C.I. No.: 18835
CAS No.: 6359-85-9
Molecular Formula: C23H20N5NaO6S2
Molecular Weight: 549.56

Shade: Yellow

Relative name: Weak Acid Yellow RN,Acid Yellow E-2PL,Acid Yellow E-RPL,Acid Yellow RN,Acid Yellow RPL;Aminyl Yellow E-RL;Apollo Nylon Fast Yellow L-RPL;Dorasyn Yellow AGRL;Duramine Yellow RP;Egacid Yellow R;Nylosan Yellow E-RPL;Rifa Acid Fast Yellow E-RPL;Suminol Fast Yellow R;

Acid Yellow 25
Standard Fiber Soaping Persperation Fastness Oxygen bleaching Light
Fading Stain
AATCC Wool 4 4 3-4 1 6-7
ISO Wool 2 4 3 1 5-6

Acid Yellow 25 Properties:

Yellow powder. Soluble in water yellow, encounter cold becomes muddy. Slightly soluble in ethanol and acetone. Meet strong sulfuric acid is yellow, the generation after diluted fluorescent yellow precipitation. Its water solution meet sodium hydroxide solution without change. Mainly used for wool and polyamide fiber of printing and dyeing,


This can be used for leather and electrochemical aluminum shading, occasionally used for paper coating.

Note: The data contained here are based on our current knowledge and experience. It is the responsibility of user to test our products before the final application.

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